KEO’s Dr. Ioannis Spanos On Energy Master-Planning, How The End-User Is Much More Climate Conscious And His Own Sustainability Journey | |
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With substantial increases in carbon costs just from cooled spaces in the Middle East, leading to a magnification of build costs as well as future costs, the GCC is committed to heavy investments in green projects as well as deep R&D initiatives to realize the region’s renewable energy goals.
As the Director of Sustainability at leading consulting and architectural firm, KEO, Dr. Spanos has spearheaded green-energy projects, successfully delivering award-winning low energy buildings and urban planning solutions. Here the well-respected industry leader speaks to Thirty To Net Zero Magazine about KEO’s commitment to sustainability, their key green projects in the region and fulfilling KEO’s sustainability objectives both inside and outside the organization.
T2NZ: Can you give us an overview of KEO'S philosophy and approach towards sustainability?
IS: Sustainability for us, is not just another function. It has been integrated into our DNA for over a decade and it is in full alignment with our view for the future. We take a broad view of what we mean by sustainability. For KEO, sustainability is a holistic design function; one that works in collaboration with all the other disciplines. Our ideal sustainable project is when we can tick the boxes for the future of the environment, for end-users, and for investors. All our projects comply with regional or international green certification systems, and as a leading multidisciplinary organization, we are committed to working towards the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals.
T2NZ: As Consultants, do you then align your projects with those contractors or those consultants that are also in line with what your end goals are?
IS: In order to achieve the maximum efficiency of the design of the systems, the sustainability strategy of a project is developed as part of the design development, and not as an add-on function. We take into consideration the performance specification of the available materials systems, and also suppliers’ information in order to evaluate which combination provides the maximum benefit to the final product, which for us is the final highly sustainable building. At the beginning of each project, we go through a process of understanding how sustainability can provide a tangible and material added value to the specific asset within the specific real-estate market sector. In order to maximize the benefits of sustainable design, principles of Integrated Design Process (IDP) are utilized. During sustainability-focused workshops, all design disciplines participate in brainstorming sessions with construction and commissioning experts, clients, operators, and potential users, to see how to make a building sustainable by improving its operations, rather than just by specifying a set of materials that are labeled sustainable. We have different methodologies to achieve this goal. For example, for net-zero energy buildings, we have a 12-step process. This may sound lengthy, but in the last four years, we have worked heavily on digitization integration of different platforms which means a lot can be done within the design stage, and we are seeing some really beneficial outcomes for our clients.
T2NZ: What are your key projects in this region, what are the spotlight projects that you're currently working on?
IS: Although many projects we are currently working on are confidential, I can share that our Sustainability & Environmental Services Division has worked on four out of the seven new FIFA World Cup 2022 new stadiums. We have also recently completed work as an integrated services consultant, for World Expo 2020 where twenty towers will be LEED certified, with multiple LEED Gold certifications. KEO’s Sustainability & Environmental Services Division is also currently involved in six mega projects in Saudi Arabia. Another important project we are working on is that of advising on and delivering all the CEEQUAL assessments for infrastructure in Doha, Qatar, with a total construction value estimated at circa 1billion USD. CEEQUAL is a green certification scheme for achieving ESG compliant infrastructure.
T2NZ: Please tell us about KEO’s Sustainability team in the Middle East region.
IS: Currently we have a team of 38 people which is expected to increase by the end of the year. The team grew last year by approximately 20% and is spread through the GCC. The team is multi-disciplinary, with team experts from architecture, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, programming, environmental modelling, waste management, etc. We want to give the best to our clients so, we ensure the expertise is built into our client teams from day one. As such, we are able to provide under one umbrella, green certifications, environmental and waste compliance, low energy and renewable energy optimization, embodied energy and carbon accounting, and ESG guidance towards the aspirations of our clients.
T2NZ: Please tell us about some of KEO’s proprietary software that supports your sustainability values.
IS: We have recently launched a new product in the market called iCRBN™. This is a proprietary city scale carbon accounting tool, developed and used by KEO. This is a tool that takes into consideration a specific multi-real estate asset project, (like a street development, a neighborhood or even a whole city), and it can assess not only the energy and carbon investment for the entire project, but also all the variations that will happen to the carbon emissions over the next 25 or 30 years. This tool helps us to understand the best design approach to solve the problems of tomorrow; today.
T2NZ: How you have seen the Sustainability industry develop?
IS: I've been involved in the sustainability industry since 2000. That’s almost 21 years, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated progress. Earlier this year, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Science) published a report that states as a fact, what the science has been saying since the 1970s; namely that climate change exists, and that it will not simply be an increase in global temperatures, but will include random and extreme variations of weather patterns at local levels. The other significant change I have seen is that since 2016, based on statistics published by global organizations, people, globally, are showing a preference for products that are sustainable and green and are looking to invest their money in goods and investments that have high green credentials. Therefore, we are concentrating on specific areas of real estate that can have a higher level of positive impact on the environment.
T2NZ: How are you involved in fulfilling KEO’s sustainability objectives within the organization and outside the organization?
IS: I believe in open training for staff and non-staff in order to educate people, not about the environmental challenges, but about the difficulties of designing something that can become sustainable. I passionately believe in knowledge transfer as a key to continual improvement.
T2NZ: Could you tell us a little bit about how you got involved in sustainability, about your job? What do you like about it?
IS: Yes, I did my PhD in the physics of energy in urban environments and the finance of renewable energy back in 2000s. At that time, I had developed a financial model that takes into consideration not only the lifecycle cost of renewable energy costs but also includes the cost associated with the mitigation and adaptation of the impacts of climate change as part of the investment decision making process.
T2NZ: What positive change would you like to see in the industry to take this to the next level?
IS: I would like to see collaboration and open discussion from government organizations, consultants, contractors, operators, and manufacturers.
T2NZ: When did KEO start on its sustainability journey?
IS: KEO was one of the first companies working on LEED projects in the region back in 2008. From then on, the sustainability practice has grown and continues to grow. KEO is now a leader in these types of projects; currently working on multiple net-zero energy and LEED Platinum projects.
T2NZ: And our last question is please name your favorite city and your favorite book? And why?
IS: Although there are so many beautiful cities in the world, I love Athens, Singapore, Dubai, and Copenhagen. I don’t have a favorite book. There are so many that I have enjoyed reading it's very difficult to choose one.