The water Infrastructure Projects Will Be Powered By Renewable Electricity
"NEOM intends to deliver a sustainable circular water economy, and we are pleased to be able to use our global expertise to deliver ‘first of a kind’ water solutions that minimise impacts on the natural environment and align with our purpose of delivering a more sustainable world," said Jim Lenton, Group Senior Vice President, WorleyParsons.
These water infrastructure projects will be powered by renewable electricity, and the desalination process will not discharge any brine into the sea.
This will help reduce negative environmental impacts on the Red Sea’s fragile ecosystem.
"This agreement provides the initial steps to revolutionise the water industry towards a truly sustainable and circular solution," said Gavin van Tonder, Executive Director of ENOWA Water.
According to the report, the innovative approach will see Worley provide services for implementing commercially viable solutions for brine beneficiation, a by-product of seawater desalination, into saleable products such as gypsum, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), salt, potassium-based fertilisers, and magnesium.
These facilities will help create a water circular economy from the unavoidable brine production from the desalination plant.
Aligned to the production of potable water with a low carbon footprint, the beneficiated brine products will be sustainably produced and thus valuable in their respective markets.
The services will be executed by both Advisian, Worley’s global consulting business, and Worley staff from 17 countries around the globe.
As further mentioned in the report, Advisian will generally focus on advisory, consulting, and pre-FEED activities, while Worley will deliver FEED, detailed engineering, procurement, and project management services.
This award extends Advisian and Worley’s relationship with ENOWA, which has grown over the last two years from feasibility and advisory studies to include six portfolios encompassing satellite zero liquid discharge desalination plants, demonstration testing facilities, research and development, large-scale desalination plants, brine processing, and technical and commercial advisory support.
Advisian has a growing global portfolio of water projects that includes various desalination and brine beneficiation projects, said the report.